Diagnostic Scanning
We have the solution for any scanning need, whether it’s a simple aftermarket scan or complex OE scan. We work closely with your shop to comply with certified and partner agreements. Our diagnostic scanning tool’s features include:
- Comprehensive scan reports from
- real-time data
- WIFI-enabled software updates
- Remote support capability
- Identifying potential pre-existing codes
- Helps identify ADAS calibration needs
- Ensuring no codes after glass replacement
We’ve made it our mission to educate the industry on the importance of scanning every vehicle. We regularly host webinars and can send our teammates to your shop for one-on-one training when needed.
- Lane departure warning (LDWS)
- Adaptive cruise control (ACC)
- Blind spot detection (Side mirrors)
- Park Assist
- 360 cameras
- Park assist
- Rear Cross Traffic Alert
- Traffic sign recognition